
How to split views.py to several smaller files in Django

Published at 2024-05-01 14:11:30Viewed 317 times
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When your views.py is too large, it becomes much more difficult to manage your code. So you might want to split views.py into several subviews, each of which contains a single sort of views.

To split views.py, you could follow the following steps. Your original views.py might look like this:

import ...

def view1(request):

def view2(request):

Now, create a new folder subviews aside with views.py , i.e. /Django/mysite/MyAPI/subviews. Next, create __init__.py, viewsa.py, and viewsb.py in the folder subviews to form the following folder/file structure :


subviews1.py :

from .views import *

def view1(request):

subviews2.py :

from .views import *

def view2(request):

__init__.py :

from subviews1 import *
from subviews2 import *

Then this would work the same as a single views.py file. Don't forget to change the urls.py file before you reloading Django.


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Grothendick经典同调代数文章:Some aspects of homological algebra

这是Grothendick著名的关于同调代数的文章Tôhoku paper的英文翻译版,原文是法语版,标题为Sur quelques points d'algèbre homologique。英文翻译为:Some aspects of homological algebra。该文章概述了很多同调代数的重要概念,其中基本都跟代数几何有联系,并且里面不少概念其实是Grothendick本人提出来的,如abelian categories。可以说这篇文章是同调代数的经典文章,在数学圈内也时常有人推荐看这篇文章,毕竟这可是祖师爷亲自从同调代数的基础概念一步步讲起,这对学同调代数或者代数几何的人都有很大裨益。我收藏这篇文章的时候都2021年了,现在拿出来推荐给大家!之后我还会把法语原版也发出来。

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