我的回答(已删):你看到的这个中文翻译的采访非常有问题,严重歪曲了Peter Scholze的真实情况。首先这个采访原文的地址是The Oracle of Arithmetic | Quanta Magazine。
原文中说到Peter Scholze中学的时候得知Wiles证明了费马大定理,因此去看费马大定理的证明,结果是understood nothing!
At 16, Scholze learned that a decade earlier Andrew Wiles had proved the famous 17th-century problem known as Fermat’s Last Theorem, which says that the equation xn+yn=zn has no nonzero whole-number solutions if n is greater than two. Scholze was eager to study the proof, but quickly discovered that despite the problem's simplicity, its solution uses some of the most cutting-edge mathematics around. "I understood nothing, but it was really fascinating," he said.
因此下面有人居然能说出Peter Scholze在16岁就把费马大定理的证明基本搞明白??这难道不是在羞辱Peter Scholze吗?其次,采访中没有提到Peter Scholze没学过抽代,只是提到他没系统学过线性代数,注意是系统地学,不代表他真没学过。接着说他通过研究费马大定理的证明,学会了模形式和椭圆曲线。事实上,他是为了搞懂这个证明,而学习了模形式和椭圆曲线。
So Scholze worked backward, figuring out what he needed to learn to make sense of the proof. “To this day, that's to a large extent how I learn,” he said. “I never really learned the basic things like linear algebra, actually — I only assimilated it through learning some other stuff.”
As Scholze burrowed into the proof, he became captivated by the mathematical objects involved — structures called modular forms and elliptic curves that mysteriously unify disparate areas of number theory, algebra, geometry and analysis. Reading about the kinds of objects involved was perhaps even more fascinating than the problem itself, he said.
实际上,模形式和椭圆曲线是在Wiles完成费马大定理的证明前,就已经发展出来的理论。Wiles之所以打算去证明费马大定理也是因为有这些突破性的进展。我看过费马大定理的证明,实话实说,如果你是零基础的情况下,研究费马大定理的证明根本不可能学会模形式和椭圆曲线。证明中Wiles应该是发展了模形式和椭圆曲线,他将模形式和椭圆曲线联系在了一起。据我所知,Peter Scholze在中学的时候就已经在Mathoverflow上回答了一个谱序列的问题,因此我推测他可能看费马大定理证明的时候,虽然是啥都看不懂,但是像modular forms和elliptic curves这些名词他肯定是认得的,只不过可能他当时只是懂点皮毛。其实即便你看不懂,但是这些名词都能给你接下来的学习提供很多的motivation。
Peter Scholze再怎么厉害,他也是个人,过分地神化他,我觉得是对Scholze的羞辱。我十分认可Peter Scholze的这种学习方式,他能熟练地运用这种方式,说明了他有极高的数学成熟度和科研能力。我记得Matthew Morrow在一个祝贺Scholze拿fields奖的采访中,说到“He has a mathematical and professional maturity far beyond his year”。而想要驾驭这种方法,离不开扎实的基本功,说明Peter Scholze每学习一个知识都能深刻理解并掌握,采访中也说到他从不做笔记就能把东西记住。最后,我想说Peter Scholze学习数学就是那种纯粹为了理解数学而去学习的,因此他不按顺序学习很符合他的风格。Matthew Morrow说过“His goal really seems to be understand mathematics the best he can”,比起关注他的那些地方,还不如多学习一下他的这种精神来做数学。
原文发布于 2022-02-15 20:51,当时我应该读大二吧。
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