
COUNT(*) from multiple tables in MySQL

Published at 2024-08-18 18:55:05Viewed 157 times
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How do I go about selecting COUNT(*)s from multiple tables in MySQL?

Such as:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS table1Count FROM table1 WHERE someCondition
SELECT COUNT(*) AS table2Count FROM table2 WHERE someCondition
CROSS JOIN? subqueries?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS table3Count FROM table3 WHERE someCondition


The goal is to return this:

| table1Count | table2Count | table3Count |
| 14          | 27          | 0           |

Answer 1

You can do it by using subqueries, one subquery for each tableCount :

  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table1 WHERE someCondition) as table1Count, 
  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table2 WHERE someCondition) as table2Count,
  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table3 WHERE someCondition) as table3Count

Answer 2

You can do this with subqueries, e.g.:

select (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table1 WHERE someCondition) as table1Count, 
       (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table2 WHERE someCondition) as table2Count 

Answer 3

You can use UNION

  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table1 WHERE someCondition
  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table2 WHERE someCondition
  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table3 WHERE someCondition

The content is from StackOverflow which is translated and used in accordance with the CCBY-SA 4.0 license agreement. Original link: COUNT(*) from multiple tables in MySQL


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