
20 Things We Keep Doing Wrong Every Day Without Even Realizing It

Publié à 2024-08-23 16:32:19Vu 70 fois
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Small details define us in many ways. For example, in some countries, it’s common to eat while watching TV while in other countries, eating requires a total state of awareness. And in countries like Greece or Turkey, it’s strictly forbidden to flush toilet paper. We hardly think about these things because we find them so common, but as it turns out, we might have been doing everyday tasks wrong all this time.

Check out the rest of these common things Bright Side compiled for you that you might have been doing wrong without even noticing.

1. Chugging a glass of water after a big meal

Although the popular theory that water dilutes gastric juices is a myth, chugging a glass of water might not be the best idea, especially after having a big meal. It’s true that water can help you lose weight as it makes you feel less hungry, but after a big meal, gulping down a glass of water can result in a heavy bloated feeling. Drinking water slowly can also help you avoid gassiness and burping caused by swallowing air when gulping.

2. Drinking ice cold water

Drinking water might be the most natural thing in the world, and of course, a cold glass of the stuff is so refreshing during the summer, so how bad could it be? But according to a study, drinking cold water worsened symptoms of digestive problems such as achalasia. Although cold water won’t make you sick, it could constrict your blood vessels.

3. Storing tomatoes in the fridge

It’s the age-old question: should you keep tomatoes in the fridge or on the countertop? This depends on how ripe your tomatoes are. But ideally, you should do both. Its ideal storage temperature is around 55ºF. Although the fridge will prevent ripe tomatoes from developing mold because most fridges are set at 35ºF, ripe tomatoes will lose flavor. Fortunately, letting your ripe tomatoes rest for a couple of days on the countertop after refrigerating them will give them their flavor back.

4. Washing your face with freezing cold or very hot water

Although it might seem handy to wash your face while showering, if you shower with warm water, this could potentially be counterproductive. On the one hand, it might make your skin produce more oil to compensate and ultimately make it dry. The best way to wash your face is with lukewarm or even cold water after showering as it will make the puffiness go away.

5. Flushing with the lid off

Such a simple thing as flushing with the lid down could have a dramatic impact on your health. Every time you flush it’s basically as if your toilet was sneezing (experts call it toilet plume). Since bacteria can be hurled up to 10 inches above the toilet when flushing with the lid off, even your toothbrush is at risk of catching splashes of fecal matter.

6. Not storing herbs according to their type

If you thought all fresh herbs should be stored the same way, it turns out it’s a bit more complicated than that. Hardy herbs (like oregano, rosemary, thyme, etc.) are better preserved in a jar with their stems in water. You can opt to store the jar in the fridge. However tender herbs such as cilantro, parsley, celery (stalks and leaves only), or mint are better kept in paper bags in the fridge or wrapped in paper and in a plastic bag in the fridge.

7. Taking a warm shower in the morning

somewhat colder shower, or at least lukewarm. However, if you prefer to shower at night, then not only will this help you to relax before going to bed, but it can help you keep a cleaner environment at home. In this case, you can use lukewarm water, but never too warm to avoid drying out your skin. A good compromise might be to take 2 shorter showers daily at different temperatures.

8. Reheating plastic containers

Depending on the type of plastic you’re using, heating it in the microwave could release various chemicals into the foods or liquids that you’re warming up. Although some plastics are deemed safe to heat, it might be better to err on the side of caution if you’re unsure of the exact composition of your containers. Even approved plastics do not guarantee chemical-free food after warming them up.

9. Not washing tin cans before opening them

Despite the common belief, washing raw chicken can be counter-productive as it might contaminate other foods, utensils, and countertops. Cans, on the other hand, are hardly washed and wrongly so. It is recommended to wash them so harmful particles don’t fall into the food, especially if it’s a soda can, for example, since you put it directly into your mouth.

10. Using Teflon with high heat

Non-stick pans can become a health issue if they’re not used in the right way. Heating Teflon above 500ºF (when preheating or when cooking a steak, for example) could lead to a release of particles and gases that could harm you. This, of course, doesn’t mean you cannot use it, but rather, that you cannot use it for everything. When cooking meat, for example, choose cast iron pans instead. You can also opt for granite stone for medium-high temperatures, but watch out for its coating staying intact.

11. Eating too fast

Eating slowly in order to be fully aware of your food is a Japanese custom that might be a part of what helps them stay slim. It turns out that eating slowly can help you eat less and gobbling food makes us overeat because it takes our brain 20 minutes to register what our stomach contains. Chopsticks also play a crucial role in this matter.

12. Watching TV while eating

Just in case our previous point didn’t get stressed enough, being aware of your food is important. To put it in different terms, distracted eating might lead to obesity, according to Harvard, because it makes you eat more in one meal.

13. Drinking coffee right after waking up

The time at which you drink coffee can actually have an impact on your caffeine tolerance, a study suggests. Cortisol, the so-called “stress hormone” is responsible for keeping you alert. There are about 3 daily peaks of cortisol production, one of them being right after waking up. If you drink coffee during those peaks, your body might get used to creating less cortisol.

14. Eating a hamburger in a line instead of in circles

Science has found the best way to eat a hamburger and it’s not the way we normally do it. The right way to chow down is to visually divide the burger into 8 parts and turn it around instead of eating it “linearly.”

15. Holding your burger too tightly

too tightly because doing so could cause the bun to get crushed, spilling all its contents out. Ideally, as shown above, the thumbs and pinkies should be at the bottom of the burger, and the middle 3 fingers on each hand should be on top — but you have to hold it with both hands, making it more difficult to eat your fries.

16. Eating Pringles using an A4

You’ve probably been eating Pringles wrong, but that’s ok. Apparently, Pringles packaging is not only designed to keep the chips from falling apart during transport. In fact, by folding an A4 in half and just inserting it into the canister, you can take it in and out without the chips crumbling.

17. Peeling bananas backward

If you’ve ever seen how monkeys peel bananas, you might have noticed that they do it slightly differently than us. But you don’t need to be as messy about it. It’s just that peeling it backward is easier because you peel it more cleanly. So next time you’re eating a banana, turn it upside down and pinch the tip to peel it back.

18. Eating Chinese takeout without turning it into a plate

The original patent for the now-classic takeout box was filed in 1894 and since, it has basically remained the same, proving its design was very well thought out. It’s mainly meant to hold liquids, but also, if you pop out the wire handle, you can unfold the box for it to serve as a plate.

19. Dissolving sugar in a circular stirring motion instead of a linear one

Despite circular stirring being the most popular way of dissolving sugar in a cup of tea, the right way to do it is actually in a linear motion. This helps to reduce splashes and allows you to dissolve sugar cubes faster.

20. Flushing toilet paper when traveling abroad

Flushing toilet paper might seem like the obvious thing to do, but it depends on where you’re doing it. For example, in countries like Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, and others, toilet paper should be disposed of in a bin located next to the toilet seat. That’s because not all sewage systems are equipped to cope with toilet paper, even if it’s highly degradable in water.

Which of these things have you been doing wrong? Do you know any other hacks or things that should be included in this list? Let us know in the comments and post pictures of them if you can!

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有过一段时间,你或许觉得自己手中的咖啡杯,心中的梦想,身边的人和物,都是独特而独一无二的。然而,当你看向星空时,你是否曾经想过,也许在另一个角落,另一个宇宙中的你,正在面临同样的问题,活在一个完全不同而又相似的世界中?这就是平行宇宙理论中我们要讨论的问题。这个问题或许曾在我们心中悄然滋生,然而科学家们已经在努力寻找答案。这个故事要从一颗原初的原子开始讲述。梅特勒的宇宙大爆炸理论描绘了一个宇宙的诞生过程。数十亿年前,一个比太阳还要巨大的、密度极高的原子在一场大爆炸中破裂,荡涤出今天宇宙的蓝图,铸造了我们眼前的一切。然而,这个理论仍有许多未解之谜,如大爆炸之前的世界,以及大爆炸的原因。当哈勃发现宇宙中的星系在距离我们越远,颜色就越偏红,他发现了宇宙正在膨胀——这便是著名的哈勃红移现象。这种膨胀快速而不间断,使得一切都变得愈加模糊,无法分辨。但闪耀在暗淡淡度之外的,是还未被触摸的暗物质和暗能量。这两者虽无法直接观察,但却在无形中塑造了宇宙的形状和运动轨迹。如果说宇宙是一场最伟大的烟火,那么我们也许只能欣赏到其中一小段的辉煌。就像无限宇宙理论的倡导者们所说,我们所处的宇宙可能只是一个更大无边无 ...


对于我们能看到的每一公斤物质,无论是你桌上的电脑,还是遥远的恒星和星系,都有5公斤不可见的物质渗透在我们的周围。这种“暗物质”是一种神秘的存在,它规避了所有形式的直接观测,然而却通过它对可见物体的无形牵引力让我们感受到它的存在。图片来源网络五十年前,物理学家斯蒂芬·霍金提出了一个关于暗物质可能是什么的想法:一个黑洞群体,它们可能在大爆炸后不久就形成了。这样的“原始”黑洞不会是我们今天探测到的巨人,而是微观区域的超密物质,它们会在大爆炸后的第一枚万亿分之一秒形成,然后崩溃并散布在宇宙中,以一种可以解释我们今天所知的暗物质的方式牵引周围的时空。现在,麻省理工学院的物理学家发现,这个原始过程也会产生一些意想不到的伴侣:更小的黑洞,它们拥有前所未有的称为“色荷”的核物理属性的数量。这些最小的,“超负荷”的黑洞将是一种全新的物质状态,它们可能在诞生后不久的一小部分秒内蒸发。然而,它们仍可能影响了一个关键的宇宙学转变:第一次原子核被锻造的时候。物理学家假设,带色荷的黑洞可能影响了融合核的平衡,在一种天文学家将来可能通过未来测量检测到的方式。这样的观测将有说服力地指向原始黑洞作为今天所有暗物质的根源 ...



多年来的探测数据表明,在火星表面存在着大量类似地球河道和河床的地形结构,其长度往往可达数百公里,明显是由液态水长时间侵蚀和冲刷而形成的,而火星表面的很多盆地和低洼地区,其边缘还存在着类似海岸线的特征。除此之外,在火星表面,还发现了广泛分布的水合矿物以及类似于地球上由水过程形成的沉积岩,这些分层岩石通常显示出交错层理等特征,被认为有水流过时形成的痕迹。所以科学家据此认为,在遥远的过去,火星表面曾经也存在由大量液态水形成的江河湖海,而那时的火星很可能也像地球一样宜居。然而我们都知道,现在的火星表面是一片干涸的荒芜世界,那么,火星上的水到哪里去了呢?对此,一个常见的观点就是,由于火星太小,其核心早早地冷却了,这会导致其磁场的消失,在没有了磁场的保护之后,火星的大气就被太阳风持续剥离,这导致了火星表面的气压显著下降,使得液态水无法在表面存在,于是水开始蒸发并被太阳风不断地“吹”走,而火星大气的变薄还导致了火星表面的温度急剧下降,于是剩余的液态水都冻结起来,形成了火星两极的冰盖或隐藏在火星地下的冰土之中。(↑火星北极的冰盖)可以看到,这样的解释是比较合理的,该观点也因此得到了较多的认同,所以人们 ...



在现代科幻电影的奇异世界中,常常会出现这样的场景:一个人的身体已经死亡,但大脑却被保存在营养液中,继续在虚拟世界里体验着生命。《黑客帝国》中的就是这样一种构想,人类的大脑通过电信号与计算机系统连接,生活在一个被编程的虚幻世界中。然而,这种幻想并非纯粹的娱乐创作,它也反映了人们对大脑与身体关系的深层思考。哲学家希拉里·普特南提出的“缸中之脑”假想,把这种思考推向了极致。他设想了一个邪恶科学家通过手术将人的大脑取出,放置在营养液中维持生命,再通过计算机程序向大脑输入信息,制造出一个人工的虚拟现实。在这个假想中,被操作的大脑仍然可以体验到生活的一切,但所有的感知和记忆都可能是虚假的。这样的假想引发了一个问题:如果一个人的大脑被置于这样的环境中,那他或她是否真的活在虚拟世界里?揭秘大脑的复杂运作机制要探讨这个问题,我们需要从大脑的运作机制入手。每个人体内都存在着一个错综复杂的神经系统,这个系统由神经纤维构成,包括各种神经组织,如大脑和脊髓。这些神经组织负责将神经信号传递给身体的各个器官,同时也将各个器官的信号传递回大脑和脊髓。正是通过这样的信号传递,我们才能感受到外部世界的各种刺激,并做出相应 ...


长期以来,物理学家一直在努力解释,为什么宇宙一开始就具备条件适合生命进化?为什么物理定律和常数,恰好是允许恒星、行星以及生命最终能出现的非常具体的数值?而让宇宙膨胀的那种力,暗能量,就比理论认为的要弱得多。实际应该是让宇宙物质全都聚集在一起,而不是像观察到的在膨胀撕裂。一个常见的答案是我们生活在一个无限多的宇宙中,即多重宇宙,所以我们不应该对其中至少有一个宇宙 会变成我们这个宇宙感到惊讶。但另一个看上去天方夜谭的答案,却越来越被重视,那就是我们的宇宙是被一个外在的计算机模拟出来的,这个计算机有人(或许是一个先进的外星物种)在微调各种参数。这个看上去很离谱的理论,目前已经得到信息物理学这门科学分支的理论支持。信息物理学认为时空和物质并不是宇宙的本质。相反,我们所处的物理现实,本质上是由信息比特组成的,而我们感受到的时空体验就是从这些信息比特中产生的。而所谓的温度,只是原子聚集在一起运动的另一种说法。从根本上说,没有一个原子具有温度。这极大地让科学家相信,我们的整个宇宙,实际上只是计算机模拟出来的事实,存在巨大可能性。不过,这个想法并不是最近才提出的。早在1989 年,传奇物理学家约翰·阿 ...



前言:某日某夜,路遇小猫,小猫两步一回头,最后谨慎地坐在我脚边蹭我,我兴致忽起,遂边投喂边给小猫讲起来康德1 给猫讲康德在【牛顿猫】和【莱布尼茨猫】发展了微积分后,猫界对自然哲学的 研究就突飞猛进,而大众对猫的【认识论】依旧停滞不前,基础不牢,则地动山摇,科学认知的大厦有摇摇欲坠的风险。此时的认识论两派打架,分别是以【莱布尼茨猫】为代表的【纯粹理性派】,和以【休谟猫】为代表的【经验派】。那时候【亚里士多德猫】主义派把知识判断分为两类,【分析的】和 【综合的】。【分析】意思的可以从主体对象上直接得到的,比如这句话“一 只聪明的小猫 ”,“聪明 ”这一个特性可以直接从我们的主体,也就是这整 句话分析得到,我们就会说“小猫 ”的特性是“聪明 ”;而【综合】则代表其包括了其他的经验性的东西, 比方说“小猫 ”的特性是“吃小鱼干 ”, 我们从“一只聪明的小猫 ”这句话里,得不出“吃小鱼干 ”这个特性,“小猫 ”和“吃小鱼干 ”这作为认识到的经验我们曾见过,会很自然地联系起来。那么猫如何认识这个世界的呢?当然是靠芝士(知识)! 一只小猫天生就会喝奶,它不需要任何感观经验,这叫【先天知识】,一只小猫 ...



人情社会的本质,就是人搞人,人整人,人坑人。所有的人情世故,要么是为了自己谋求利益,要么是跟别人搞好关系,间接谋求利益,要么是算计别人。基本上,人情世故就是“人整人”的直接反映。要想在充满人情世故的社会当中生存,就需要我们具备一种本事——听得懂别人的言外之意。别人说什么,我们不仅要把表面的言语搞清楚,还需要把言语背后的深意搞清楚。如此,才能避免被人算计,避免被人套路。普通人之所以容易被人套路,就是因为他们只看表象,只听场面话,而无法透过现象看本质。当一个人张嘴闭嘴都说这些话,大概率,别人要坑你了。一、张嘴闭嘴都是“仁义道德”。在《水浒传》里边,有一个超级伪君子,及时雨宋江。他文不如吴用,武不如林冲,但他还是当了梁山之主,因为宋江足够虚伪,懂得忽悠人。宋江跟吴用坑了玉麒麟卢俊义,害得他家破人亡,逼得卢俊义不得不投靠梁山。对于被他害惨的卢俊义,宋江非但没有羞愧,还满嘴仁义道德,声称要为卢员外报仇雪恨,同时还要让卢员外当梁山之主。宋江说的这些话,听得卢俊义一愣一愣的。哪怕卢俊义知道是宋江等人坑了自己,他也不好说什么,也就心甘情愿入伙了,当了梁山二当家。江湖中,永远都不缺像宋江这样的人。他们一 ...