
Why Showering Daily Might Be Bad for Your Skin

Publié à 2024-08-23 13:51:08Vu 71 fois
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When you finally get home after a busy day, nothing seems more appealing than taking a long hot shower and washing your stress away. But spending too much time in the shower might actually cause many skin problems you’ve been trying to avoid. As relaxing as it is, showering too often might do more harm than good for your skin.

1. It may give you premature wrinkles.

You’ve probably noticed that your fingers often get wrinkly after you’ve spent too much time in the shower. This happens because hot water strips moisture from your skin, causing it to look overly dry. When you shower too often in hot water, your skin loses sebum, which is vital for keeping it healthy and glowing.

2. Your skin might become flaky.

“This is how my face looks right after a shower.”

Your favorite shower gel surely smells amazing, but artificial ingredients in it might be damaging for your skin. Many soaps and body washes contain ingredients that are too harsh for your skin, and in combination with hot water, it may cause your skin to get scaly. Using a rough towel after shower may also cause your skin to become overly dry.

3. It may make existing skin issues worse.

If you have certain skin conditions, such as rosacea, dermatitis or psoriasis, then taking good care of your skin is crucial for keeping the issue under control. While using gentle skin cleansers might help to alleviate the symptoms, washing your face too often may only make the condition worse. There are essential fatty acids that form the protective top layer of your skin, and taking hot showers might strip this layer, causing the skin to become even more sensitive.

4. It might cause your skin to itch.

“These skin red patches appeared on neck and eye area after showering.”

While taking a steamy shower after a long day feels relaxing, it might work the other way around for your skin. Overly hot water can cause skin inflammation, which can eventually lead to redness and itching. And because hot water dries out your skin, it might make it to produce more oils, causing your skin to look greasy.

Do you think it’s necessary to shower every day? How often do you take showers?

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