When executing npm run build in NextJS, eslint may check some folders that are unnecessary. If you are using App Router and want to disable ESLint to some folders, you can try the following ways.Edit next.config.jsYou can specify which directories should be checked by the ESLint. Here is the documentation: Linting Custom Directories and Filesmodule.exports = { eslint: { dirs: ['pages', 'utils'], // Only run ESLint on the 'pages' and 'utils' directories during production builds (next build) ...
根据目前我nuxtJS和NextJS的开发经验来看,在NextJS的fetch数据要比nuxtJS要麻烦很多,NuxtJS对于fetch提供了丰富的包装后的API,操作起来更加简便,而nextJS则更原生一些,其实nextJS中的fetch也是包装过的,加上了一些next属性。今天nextJS捣鼓了一天,最后还是用回了nuxtJS包装$fetch用的ofetch库。不得不说,ofetch的包装用起来真是得心应手,省了很多多余的步骤,比如说fetch request的body自动对JSON数据stringtify,再然后处理返回值直接一次then或者await就直接取数据,不用res.json()之后再来一个promise对象。对于习惯用Vue的开发者来说,用React还是稍微有些不适应。很多人说用React能更好的造轮子,确实,React很多地方相较于Vue少了一些包装,更原生一些,也就给了你对细节更多的控制(我其实只用过nextJS,因为生产需要,直接上服务端渲染了,免得写完SPA又得迁移一遍)。因此用React选择某个库时,往往会有选择困难症,太多可选了。而用nuxtJS有个好处就 ...
App Router is a new feature of Next.js since Next.js 13. It works within the app directory of the application. However, compared to Page Router, Nextjs documentation is lacking sufficient illustrations. For example, in server component of App Router, you can directly call fetch to fetch data from api. But when it comes to fetching data in client component, the documentation just claiming that you need to call a Route Handler from a client component, and the other doc does not actually contain an ...